


"Warnet" or Warung Internet in Indonesia, or Internet Cafe.

The nostalgic thrill of surfing the internet, exploring uncharted websites in search of entertainment and connection.

Created in March 2024, made with Scanniverse and Blender.

Warnet Figure_Bahrull Marta
Warnet Figure_Bahrull Marta
Barren figure point cloud_Bahrull Marta
Barren figure point cloud_Bahrull Marta
Barren figure point cloud_Bahrull Marta
Barren figure point cloud_Bahrull Marta
"Barren Figure"

The first version of these render is in point cloud which I create to make it more abstract and brutal.

Available through ACCOMPARTS 'Echo Chamber' Exhibition as nft single edition.

Warnet figure